Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Organic Cocoa Powder – How It Can Power Up Your Diet
A range of antioxidants is abundant in raw cacao. In its organic powder form, one can get a lot of health benefits. It can assist in weight loss, better skin tone, enhance the prevention of cavities, regulate blood sugar levels, improve muscular function, aid in digestion, and more. This is the very reason why there has been an increased demand for organic cacao powder in the market.  To understand this super food better, let’s define cacao and cocoa first.

Cacao and Cocoa

  • Cacao is the raw and unprocessed form of cocoa powder. Of all foods, this has the highest source of antioxidants.
  • Cocoa is the processed and heated form of cacao. This dark and delish powder is rich in fiber and protein. Contrary to most people know, cocoa where your favorite chocolate is made from has very little fat.

5 Ways To Make The Most Of Cocoa Powder

Main Ingredient To Your Smoothies
More often cocoa is served hot. But try to use it as the main ingredient to your smoothies. Mix it with banana for a healthy breakfast. You can also make espresso. Add it with coconut milk or almond milk or water. Dash it with your favorite add on like flaxseeds, nectar, hazelnut, chia seeds, butter or even kale.

Make Your Own Meat Rub

Organic cocoa powder can be mixed with garlic, paprika, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, mustard powder, and other spices to make your own meat rub. Let it stand in a tightly sealed jar for a more concentrated flavor. When you cooked, rub it on fresh beef or chicken.

Sift It Over CroutonsGive life to boring croutons in your salad or soup. Sift cocoa powder over them and these cubed nibbles of bread go well with your creamy bowl and green salad.

Sprinkle To Any Savory Dish
Dish becomes more magical and tasty by sprinkling cocoa powder on it. Try it in your bowl of fruits, caramelized onions, canapés with eggplant, etc.

Pops For Summer
Make your own healthy cocoa pops this summer instead of digging into a tub of dairy ice cream. Freeze overnight the molded combination of coco milk, cocoa powder, espresso and agave.

There are more recipes you can try using cocoa powder. It is recommended that you choose a good kind of cocoa powder to get all its health benefits. The organic cocoa powder from 180 Nutrition has the nutrients of cacao retained during the process.

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